3 noiembrie 2008

creating synergies with fractals?

I have been attending, tonight, in Palma de Mallorca, a speech given on 7 habbits of higly effective people of Covey.

Out the fact I don’t like the way he packed his theories I fully agree with one thing you can’t preach something that you are not doing it. Of course you can but you get lost in extremes. But one thing regarding the synergies, wouldn’t be the fractal theory approach the way to do it in terms of how to potentiate the outcome of interdependence level?

5 comentarii:

  1. I'm wondering whether you can be highly effective in Palma de Mallorca :)
    In a different line of thought, what do you mean by the fractal example? I'm not sure I understand.

  2. well, Alina, the speech was about highly effective people. I can't speak on behalf of all the audience there. Trust me, though, it can be very effective a team building with the structure like this one that I attended in the previous days. Being out of the realm of the daily worries I think it stimulates you to do at least two things: listen, talking and drinking. Presumably two conditions are fulfilled to be focused. :)

    Regarding the fractals theory and relationship with the synergy I would have to elaborate more on both topics. Though I am not so familiar with both concepts, I was listening the explanation of the trainer regarding the third level (of interdependency) as it is described by Stephen Covey and to reach this stage of what he called ‘public victory’ one of the things one has to do is to create synergies. Besides the fact that this quality is what prevails in true leaders I was considering how one can create synergies without having the knowledge or the right inner feeling?
    First thing that came to my mind was fractals theory: if as a child you did something once that made your friends come after you, would it be possible to amplify? How? Would fractal theory help?

    So this would be my question to be more specific. Would you have an answer for it? :)

  3. Knowledge in order to be a leader is desirable, but difficult to achieve. To be a leader you have to spend time talking to people, understanding them, creating connections. Time which you take from acquiring a more theoretical knowledge. Knowing just enough is in my opinion what a leader needs. It is like I understand gravitation for example, but without the formulas behind.
    On the comparison with fractals, I don't know if you can replicate interactions with people in this way. The shapes of such interactions are more irregular, don't you think?

  4. I think my approach was referring more to the fact that creating synergies does not mean necessarily you to do all the talking. For example living myths (founder of one organization who did one small thing that is told in several small talks across the organization) within organizations do create such kind of synergies. The story spreads around the organization in a way that is multiplying the initial effect. This is something that I think it has much to do with the fractals.
    Can we control this? Or at least forecast? That would be a very good question for the decision makers and students of the decision theory.

  5. and thank you for helping me to clarify for myself too this issue. :)
