
28 octombrie 2008
cine are grija de inovatia ajunsa la cotele ei maxime?

27 octombrie 2008
fumuri... si marketing
23 octombrie 2008
Criza financiara si explicatiile unora...
20 octombrie 2008
ce ti se poate intampla daca cumperi o spuma de par?
18 octombrie 2008
horoscopul: fat tail approach for a long tail audience
16 octombrie 2008
Internet for boring people or for the bored ones?
why I don't want to be Nobel Awarded! :)
At The New York Times, where Mr. Krugman is an op-ed page columnist, and at Princeton University, where he is a professor of economics, co-workers of the newly-minted Nobel laureate were reportedly bracing for the worst.
"I think it's safe to say that Paul had pretty high self-esteem before the Nobel thing went down," said one of Mr. Krugman's Princeton associates, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "But now he's walking around like he's Jay-Z or something." The first ominous sign, according to the associate, came at a meeting of the economics department this morning, when Mr. Krugman showed up with a coffee mug reading, "No. 1 Economist." While his colleagues discussed the current global financial crisis, Mr. Krugman "couldn't be bothered" and spent the meeting texting Matt Damon instead. At one point, one of his fellow economists asked him a question about credit default swaps, to which Mr. Krugman reportedly snapped, "Credit default swaps can suck my ass -- I'm Paul Fucking Krugman!"
Mr. Krugman could not be reached for comment and instead referred all questions to his publicist, Sherri Hefstein, whom he hired minutes after winning the Nobel.According to Ms. Hefstein, Mr. Krugman plans to spend the next few
months "building his brand" and will be adapting his book, International Economics: Theory and Policy, into a feature film to star George Clooney.
11 octombrie 2008
Logica normalitatii - un paradis pierdut?
O serie de filme incearca sa ne pregateasca pshihologic pentru momentul in care clonele de langa noi nu vor fi neaparat fiinte umane ci roboti cu infatisare umana. Oricat de futuriste ar parea aceste proiectii, interesant mi se pare felul in care de fiecare data acesti roboti (de regula masini de razboi - i.e. o fi vreun semn de vreme ce si internetul a aparut initial ca o forma de comunicare in cadrul armatei) descopera disimularea, emotia si irationalul deciziilor umane. Felul in care ulterior robotii dezvolta aceste atitudini ii transforma in figuri iubite pe micul sau marele ecran. Una dintre ele a devenit atat de iubita incat a devenit Guvernatorul Californiei.
Si totusi in efortul robotilor de a invata modul de reactie in cazul unei situatii care comporta emotii aduce intotdeauna in fata intrebarea : Dar de ce ai reactionat asa ? Nu e logic ?
Si acum sa ne transpunem fiecare dintre noi in absurdul cotidianului in care un imbecil iti taie calea in trafic in ultima clipa desi puteai sa intri in el. Intrebarea pe care ne-o punem cu vadita pasiune: de ce a facut asta? nu e logic ca puteam sa intru in el?
Si atunci nu pot sa nu ma intreb care este de fapt granita pana la care trebuie sau putem fi logici si care este limita pana la care putem sa ne acceptam emotiile si sa ne si bucuram de ele? De unde sa incepem sa ne speram ca am devenit roboti, si de unde pre-umanul emotiei ne muta in cu mult in urma in lantul trofic?
Si intrebarile nu se termina aici. Cum iei decizia in fapt in situatii la care ne place sa ne raportam ca persoane rationale si pline de logica, dar unde reactionam in fapt extrem de patimas si vadit sub influenta emotiilor?
7 octombrie 2008
financial innovation: where is it when you need it?
Speaking about innovation: now is the time, in the financial turmoil we face, to dig for innovative solutions. where are the brains paid to deliver but to think to take advantage on this turn?
One said that is nothing wrong with the smartest solution: make money when everybody does or make money when everybody don't. While facing the "change of the rules" all over the financial industries - would it be wise to help everybody just not to lose money? So, how this can be done without nationalizations?
Chiar deloc nu ne mai doare?
- realitatea A: esti internat si stai pe hol sau pe marginea unui pat (alaturi de pacientul in curs de externare).
- realitatea cruda AA: si daca dai bani nu gasesti locuri. (atentia distributiva costa, iar compasiunea se masoara unitatile monetare aferente "indulgentelor" de alta dat)
- realitatea si mai cruda AAA: si daca ai plati un serviciu privat iar nu gasesti locuri, trebuie sa te programezi. Daca nu stiai ca o sa ai o problema, te duci din nou la realitatea A.
5 octombrie 2008
Policy is making the change
Uneven growth among EU Member States which cannot be explained by distribution of natural resources!
Why should Austria‘s solar capacity per capita be 30 times larger than Italy‘s?
Why are 70 % of all geothermal heat pumps installed in 3 EU countries?
Why has biomass heating taken off in Austria and the Nordic countries and other countries only follow slowly?
Indeed, why?
To point he makes there is just one conclusion left: because policy is making the change!
would it be enough to change the situation? the world?
pareto principle in the oil business
Do you ask yourself to whom it belong the rest of 6%? well, an again interesting point made during the presentation: to the Russian oil companies.
one petabyte management solution
I can't stop asking myself what would be the key performance indicator for common sense?